2024 Solar Eclipse

Path of the Eclipse
The total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024 passed directly over our sugarhouse in Northern Vermont.

Watching The Eclipse
Thousands of people descended on Vermont from all over the country to watch the eclipse, but we had the good fortune to only have to step outside the sugarhouse door to have an exceptional view. About 2:30 PM we put on our glasses and we could start to see the sun partially blocked by the moon. We all noticed that the light started to look different and shadows got more distinct and better defined. As totality approached a huge "sun dog" emerged around the sun.

We had about 3.5 minutes of totality ... the period where the sun is completely blocked and it is safe to look without glasses. These three minutes can only be described as magical ... as if time stood still. As totality approached we saw the diamond ring effect. From Wikipedia: "The diamond ring effect occurs when the sun disappears behind the moon, and bits of sunlight filter through the moon's mountains and canyons, forming bright points of light known as Baily's beads. The last of the beads provides a brief blaze known as a diamond ring effect." After this various colors could be seen from the sun's corona.

Temperature During the Eclipse
April 8th was a warm spring day. As totality approached the temperature got noticeably cooler During the eclipse the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. Birds and other wildlife seemed to go quiet. The only thing we noticed was some turkey vultures circling the sky after totality finished.