Buy Bulk Maple Syrup at Wholesale Prices

Let Barred Woods Meet Your Bulk Maple Syrup Needs!

Now Shipping Fresh 2025 Season Maple Syrup!!!   

Why Maple Syrup ?

  • Pure maple syrup is one of the fastest growing flavor profiles in the United States and around the world. 
  • Its unique and delicious flavor is a way to differentiate your offerings in the marketplace. Our Vermont maple products are used to make granola, fresh juice, baked goods, sausages and meats, ciders, candies, marinades, and craft beer, among other items.
  • Its health benefits compared to traditional cane sugar or corn syrup sweeteners are becoming well known and are a deciding factor for many consumers.

Why Barred Woods as Your Bulk Supplier?

Vt Bulk Maple Syrup
  • The same care and quality we put into our retail products is also provided in our bulk packages.
  • Best tasting, purest maple flavor. From the heart of maple syrup country in Northern Vermont. ​​The Vermont brand is synonymous with maple syrup. 
  • Competitive Prices. Bulk syrup is an economical way to add pure maple flavor to your product.
  • Reliable, consistent year round supply.   
Shop for Bulk Maple Syrup
55 Gallon Barrel of Maple Syrup -  2020

Purchasing Considerations:

Bulk maple syrup is heavy, and to be honest, can be "sticky" to use. We have developed what we believe to be the best packaging, shipping, and handling options through working with our customers. If you are new to using bulk maple syrup here are a few considerations that might help you pick the right packaging solution. Feel free to call us at any time with questions at (802) 598-6027

  • How much do you plan to use per day, week, month?
  • How often do you dispense syrup. For example are you a restaurant dispensing maple syrup for customers' breakfasts every five minutes or a brewery using a five gallon pail once a week? 
  • How much do you typically dispense each time?
  • Where do you dispense?
  • How much storage do you have for bulk containers of syrup? 

We've summarized our recommendations in the table below:

5 Gallon Pail of Maple Syrup in Bulk
Relative UsageRelative Ease of HandlingCost Per GallonDispensingOur Product Recommendation
LowerEasiestGoodPour Directly into Product or DispenserOne Gallon Jug Maple Syrup or 2 One Gallon Jugs or 2.5G Bulk Container 
MediumMediumBetterPour Directly into Product or Dispenser Case of 4 One Gallon Jugs
MediumMediumBetterUse Included Spout or Stand Upright and Use Hand Pump or Pour Directly 5 Gallon Bulk Container
Medium/HighMediumBetterPour Directly5 Gallon Bulk Pail
Very HighMediumBestPour DirectlyPallet of 10-24 Pails or Bulk Containers.  Call us for Quote at 802-598-6027 or email us.
Very HighHardestBestElectric or Pneumatic Pump55 Gallon Barrels.  Call for Quote  802-598-6027 or email us.
Where to buy maple syrup in Vermont. Buy maple syrup online
Where to buy maple syrup in Vermont. Buy maple syrup online
Maple syrup vt
Real Vermont maple syrup.

Two One Gallon Jugs of Pure Vermont Maple Syrup - 256 oz Total

wholesale maple syrup.  2.5 Galloin Container of bulk maple syrup
wholesale maple syrup.  2.5 Galloin Container of bulk maple syrup
2.5 gallon container of bulk maple syrup

2.5 Gallons Bulk Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

Bulk maple syrup gallons. Case of 4 gallon jugs of Vermont maple syrup
Bulk maple syrup gallons. Case of 4 gallon jugs of Vermont maple syrup
organic bulk maple syrup
One gallon of pure Vermont maple syrup.  If you want to buy bulk maple syrup this is a good option for lowest price.
wholesale maple syrup available here.  1 gallon maple syrup or larger pallet quantitates.
Organic bulk maple syrup available

Case of 4 One Gallon Jugs of Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

5 gallons of bulk maple syrup.  Grade A Amber and Dark
5 gallons of bulk maple syrup.  Grade A Amber and Dark
Maple syrup Bulk. Froom Vt. Best Prices.
bulk maple syrup.  wholesale pricing
Uses for bulk maple syrup.  Bulk maple syrup for breweries, restaurants, bakeries.
Serving size of bulk maple syrup.
maple syrup in bulk. Organic Bulk Maple syrup is also available

5 Gallon Bulk Containers of Grade A Pure Vermont Maple Syrup

Vermont Maple Syrup in Bulk. Wholesale Prices
Vermont Maple Syrup in Bulk. Wholesale Prices
Vermont Maple Syrup in Bulk.   % gallon Pail of Maple Syrup
Bulk Maple Syrup Nutrition label, serving size, and servings per container for a 5 gallon pail of maple syrup

Bulk Maple Syrup - 5 Gallon Pail of Grade A Pure Vermont Maple Syrup
