Barred Woods Maple
Barred Woods Sugarbush, almost 1500 acres of Hardwood Forest in Northern Vermont. Home to moose, black bears, bobcats, fisher, migrating songbirds, and a variety of other wildlife ..... and the finest Sugar Maple Forest Mother Nature can provide.

Our Story
Barred Woods was founded as a collaborative partnership among four friends who share a passion for Vermont, making maple syrup, and preserving our forests. Our name came to us from a chance encounter with a large barred owl while enjoying a walk through our Underhill sugarbush. She studied us from a tree stump and tolerated our questioning of "who cooks for you?". Taking this as a good omen, we named her Emma in honor of the woman who had once owned this beautiful parcel of land. Thus our company name Barred Woods Maple was born, with Emma as our matriarch.

Our Team
Our sugarhouse and sugarbush are located in the Green Mountains of Northern Vermont. We strive everyday to support our rural community and the working families that live in it. Although we are a small company with less than 12 employees we are still one of the largest employers in our town. All of us share a passion for stewarding our land, for making the best tasting maple syrup available, and for ensuring our customers are always delighted with our products.

The Land We Love
We steward 1500 acres of Hardwood Forest in Northern Vermont. We manage our land to improve the habitat for wildlife. Our land is conserved from development through the Vermont Land Trust, we partner with Vermont Audubon to manage our forest for songbird habitat, and we maximize carbon capture and sequestration and are monitored by the American Carbon Registry. All of our land is open for public access for activities such as skiing, fishing, and hiking.