Barred Woods Maple Sugarbush Certified "Bird-friendly"

Barred Woods Maple Sugarbush Certified "Bird-friendly" - Barred Woods Maple
Barred Woods Maple Farm Sugarbush is Bird Friendly

Barred Woods Maple teamed with the Vermont  Audubon to improve the habitat for migratory songbirds in our sugarbush.  As the Audubon says "Maple sugarbushes are inherently good for birds, but forests that are intentionally managed with birds in mind are even better!"

Barred Woods Maple Farm

The work involved inventorying our sugarbush by Audubon personnel, identifying existing species and habitat, and developing a plan to improve the diversity of our forests.  Many of the actions focus on the midstory of the forests, between 10-30'.  Through proper forest practices we are ensuring that a variety of shrubs and small trees are present in this layer.  During the inventory we found many species such as the hermit thrush and the black-throated blue warbler, and over time we hope to find even more.

Here is a nice resource from Vermont Audubon which shows the habitat of the "Birder's Dozen", 12 indicator species of bird health in Vermont.     

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