July 2023 Flooding in Vermont

The summer of 2023 was an extremely wet summer in Vermont, the wettest summer most of us can remember. On top of that during the period of July 10-11 we had an extended rainstorm that dropped more than 7 inches of rain on our area. The rivers could not handle all this water and there was extensive flooding throughout the state, especially in the central region along the spine of the Green Mountains. We were fortunate that our sugarhouse and sugarbush were not significantly impacted. We do have gravel roads and trails that run throughout our 1400 acres that will require repair, but this is manageable. Many of the local farmers and businesses were not so lucky and suffered heavy losses. Please consider donating to help these business if you can through The Vermont Community Foundation.
Our sugarhouse is located in North Central Vermont along the spine of the Green Mountains. The Lamoille River is nearby in Johnson, Vt. You can see from the graph below the river typically runs at about 4' depth. Flood stage is 13' and the peak height during the flood was an astonding 21'. Also you can see a picture of the typical washout we had on our roads and trails that will require repair before winter.