Buy Grade B Maple Syrup - Now Called and Labeled Grade A Dark Robust Maple Syrup
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What Happened to Grade B Maple Syrup?
The maple syrup grading system changed in 2015 to simplify and standardize the terminology. Just like the old system, the new system is based on flavor and color. What was formerly called Grade B maple syrup is now known as Grade A Dark Color, Robust Flavor.
What is the Best Grade of Maple Syrup?
The color and taste of bulk maple syrup is influenced by the process used to produce the maple syrup (the evaporation) and the part of the season that the sap is collected. Maple syrup made early in the season is lighter and has a delicate, buttery taste, while maple syrup made towards the end of the sugaring season is darker and has a more "mapley" taste.
No one grade is better than another. What works best for your needs is the one that’s best for you!
Many people prefer amber syrup for general all-around use and dark syrup for baking or cooking where you want the maple taste to come through.
Dark Robust maple syrup (old Grade B) has been shown to contain more vitamins and minerals so it is usually prefered by those on the master cleanse diet.
Is Grade B Maple Syrup Healthier for you?
The simple answer is yes, darker maple syrup contains a higher total mineral content (especially calcium and phosphorus), more phenols, and a higher antioxidant potential than lighter maple syrup. So Grade A Dark Robust (formerly known as Grade B Maple Syrup) is healthier for you.
If you want all of the gory details you can read the literature by the International Maple Syrup Institute.